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การจัดการความรู้ KM
หลักสูตรพยาบาลศาสตรบัณฑิต (นานาชาติ)

Bachelor of Nursing Science (International Program)

Curriculum Name  : Bachelor of Nursing Science Program (International Program)
Name of Degree and Section
          Full Title :Bachelor  of  Nursing  Science (International Program)

          Abbreviated : B.N.S. (International Program)
Required Credits :  125 credits
Curriculum characteristics
Curriculum model : Bachelor’s Degree, four-year program, in accordance with the Qualifications of Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science, 2017 and the Standard of Bachelor’s Degree Program, 2015.

Curriculum type : Bachelor’s Degree Program  
Language : English
Recruitment : Thai and International Students
Cooperation with other universities : A special curriculum directly organized by the Faculty of Nursing, Princess Agra Rajakumari College of Nursing, Chulabhorn Royal Academy
Degrees offered to the graduates : One degree of Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science (International Program)

Curriculum Status and Curriculum Approval

  • New Curriculum in 2022
  • Aprroval for the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science Program (International Program) by the Committee of Faculty of Nursing, Princess Agra Rajakumari College of Nursing, in accordance with the Standard Qualifications for Bachelor’s Degree Program, B.E. 2560 at the Meeting No. 21/2563; November 5th, 2020.
  • Approval by the Nursing Council for the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Nursing Science (International Program), in accordance with the Standard of Qualifications of Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science, in 2017 at the Meeting No. 4/2564; April 19th, 2021.
  • Approval by the Committee of Chulabhorn Royal Academy Council for the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Nursing Science (International Program), New Curriculum in 2022, at the Meeting No. 10/2564; October 8th, 2021..

Opportunities of the graduates

  • A nursing profession in health care facilities of all levels (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary care level)
  • A practitioner in health service business
  • Entrepreneurs, Startup or a self-employed nurse in health-related business, not against the National / International Nursing and Midwifery Act.
  • A researcher in national and international organizations
  • A nurse in schools / other enterprises in public and private sectors
  • A Freelance career in nursing and midwifery within local and overseas organizations

Philosophy and justification of the curriculum   
          Faculty of Nursing , Princess Agra Rajakumari College of Nursing, believes that nursing is the caring profession and care for multicultural individuals, families and communities, through a heart of humanity and a caring relationship along with the creation of research and innovation, use of information technology, good consciousness of being global citizens towards the excellence for all lives following the aspirations of Professor Dr. Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn Krom Phra Srisavangavadhana. It is to focus on teaching and learning processes that encourage learners to transform their learning that leads to profound changes through new experiences and novel worldviews with development to an expert who understand themselves and the world.
          The Bachelor of Nursing Science Program (International Program) is the management of learning for change through experiences and reflection with critical thinking and exchanging of logical ideas to develop self-learning towards the change of worldview, aiming to develop graduates to have skills in research, analysis, synthesis, reflection, creativity, and ability to integrate the evidence-based research and technology in nursing practice according to professional standards and cross-cultural learning as leaders and developers with contribution to research and innovation. Graduates should be able to perform their profession independently according to the qualifications and skills of both domestic and international entrepreneurs towards the health needs of the global society and the consciousness of global citizenships.

Objectives of the curriculum  
          The curriculum aims to provide nursing education with academic and professional standards, focusing on the practically producing of graduates with knowledge, competency, morality, and ethics, theorically and in nursing., based on the philosophy of higher education and Princess Agra Rajakumari College of Nursing. After completion of the curriculum, all graduates must have the qualifications, Knowledge, and abilities as follows :

  • Provide comprehensive knowledge in nursing, medical science, and other related sciences, as well as public health problems.
  • Integrate nursing science and other related sciences, information technology, and up-to-date empirical evidences in nursing and midwives, caregivers, families, and communities
  • Incoperate intigrity, morals, and professional ethics, disciplines, responsibilities in professional practice, respectability to others and human dignity, as well as protection of the rights of patients / caregivers
  • Demonstrate commitment, confidence, and faith in nursing profession, with realizing on the importance of cooperation in professional corporate activities and having conscious mind as a nurse and a global citizen for the social benefits
  • Demonstrate ability to communicate (Globally Communication), with good human relations and effective interactions with caregivers and healthcare teams amidst of subtleties and multicultural differences
  • Demonstrate leadership skills to lead the changes, nursing innovation development, and entrepreneurship capabilities
  • Demonstrate critical, systematic, and reasonable thinking, with proper decisions to solve problems
  • Demonstrate knowledge interest and learning from practice towards self-improvement and continuous professional development

Relationship between the program learning outcomes (PLOs) and Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF)
          Expected learning outcomes
          PLO1 :   Incoperate  nursing professionalism in nursing practice with Integrity, ethics, professional ethics, and global citizenship, with self-dedication as part of a member to share the mission of health
PLO2 :  Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of nursing, midwifery, and other health-related sciences, with lifelong learning of new things
PLO3 :  Demonstrate creativity and critical thinking with appropriate decision-making and transformational leadership
PLO4 :  Integrate information technology in learning and nursing practice
PLO5 :  Utilize empirical evidences in nursing and midwifery practice with multicultural and entrepreneurial competence in healthcare services
PLO6 :  Apply and implement of research results and development of research or innovation in nursing

Educational Management System
          Educational management system is based on the tertiary curriculum standards of higher education. One academic year is divided into 2 semesters. One regular semester requires the study period of not less than 15 weeks.

Course credits 
Theoretical courses : Teaching of theory, lecture, discussion or equivalent study shall be required 1 hour per week throughout the regular semester, but not less than 15 hours per semester, as equal to the study of 1 credit.
Practice and experiment courses : Teaching in practice, experiments, training/workshops, or equivalent study shall be required 2-3 hours per week throughout the regular semester, or about 30-45 hours per semester, as equal to the study of 1 credit.
Internships or field study training, or equivalent study : It shall be 3-6 hours per week throughout the regular semester, or approximately 45-90 hours per semester, as equal to the study of 1 credit.

Curriculum Implementation
          Date – Time of teaching schedule
                    Theoritical courses : Monday – Friday, 08.00 am – 4.00 pm.
                    Practical Courses : Monday – Sunday
Morning shift 08.00 am. – 04.00 pm.
Afternoon shift 04.00 pm. – 12.00 am.
Night shift 12.00 am. – 08.00 am.
Note    Theoritical and practical courses not more than 35 hours per week
Duration of study : 4 years and not more than 8 academic years

Qualifications of prospective students
General qualifications

  • Meet the standard qualifications for the bachelor’s degree program in Nursing Science, B.E. 2560
  • Comply with the regulations of Chulabhorn Royal Acedemy on the Bachelor’s Degree Program, B.E. 2559
  • Successfully complete High School in the Science stream or its equivalent, with accumulative GPA not less than 2.50
  • Good behavioral manners and healthy, no disabilities that impede practice in the nursing and midwifery profession, and no severe color blindness

Specific qualifications

  • Height not less than 150 centimeters and BMI not exceed 27 kilograms per square meter
  • Passing the English language proficeiency test specified by the Faculty of Nursing , Princess Agra Rajakumari College of Nursing as follows :

          TOEFL           Paper-based                           score > 500          
                                 Computer-based                    score > 173 
                                 Internet-based                        score > 64       
IELTS                                                               score > 5.0
CU-TEP                                                           score > 60                              
TU-GET        Paper-based                             score > 500
Computer-based                      score > 60    

Note : Any other cases that do not meet the requirements will be considered under the discretion of the Faculty of Nursing , Princess Agra Rajakumari College of Nursing.
          – Passing the GSAT – General Scholastic Aptitude Test as announced by the Council of University Presidents of Thailand

Problems that new students encounter when they start program (predictions)

  • Adaptation for the new form of learning in higher education
  • Economic problems with the cost of education
  • Difficulties in adaptation to English-based teaching among non-English speaking students

Strategies to solve problems

  • Having advisors, instructors, mentors, and orientation for new students, with accessible services at all time
  • Providing scholarships and loans, with support for students to work in the college and do other specific jobs within educational institutions
  • Preparing an English language learning program for students before they start their studies

Educational system
          Classroom Mode, Internet-Based Distance education, Field-based education, Laboratory, and E-learning Based

Transfer of credits, courses and cross university registration (If any)
In accordance with the rules of Chulabhorn Royal College regarding the Undergraduate Education, B.E. 2562

CurriculumTotal number of 125 credits
Curriculum structure consists of 3  sections



1. General Education Courses                           


          1.1 Natural sciences, mathemetics, innovation, information technology (IT)

9 credits

          1.2 Humanities and scial sciences                  

9 credits

          1.3 Languages and communications         

9 credits

          1.4 Required courses

3 credits

2. Program Core Courses


          2.1 Pre-professional courses        

16 credits

          2.2 Professional courses

73 credits

                    2.2.1 Theoritical courses

                    2.2.2 Practical courses

37 credits

36 credits

3. Free Electives                


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